Watch this short video that introduces Tim, one of eight learners with Special Educational Needs and Disibilities (SEND) whose stories are explored in our report Reaching my potential. 

 You can use our report and its findings to: 

  • Engage with local authorities 
  • Demonstrate the impact from meeting learner’s needs at the right place and at the right time 
  • Evidence that enabling learners to reach their potential generates significant value for money  

In this video and in our Reaching my potential report we show how, by meeting the needs of learners like Tim in the right environment for him and at the right time, Tim can go onto to flourish, reach his potential and go onto contribute to society. It also shows, the all too often seen, contrasting story for learners like Tim – where they don’t have their needs met in their educational setting, with starkly different outcomes for their long-term future.  

The benefits of Tim having his needs met in the right educational setting are not felt just by Tim, there is significant benefit to society too  For example he gains the prospect of meaningful employment and having a significantly more stable life. In Tim’s case this equates to £744,000 across his lifetime. This value is after we have taken into account the cost of the placement that meets Tim’s needs – which shows that actually, supporting Tim in the right way also represents substantial value for money! 

Our video gives an insight into how we have calculated this value of Tim’s and also the stories of four other archetypical SEND learners – generating an average lifetime value of £380,000 to society. All of which have been developed through robust research and engagement with sector experts – most importantly school staff themselves who have such in-depth understanding of the learners they see everyday.  

You can find the full stories of each of the learners, and the value to society that we have calculated for each for them in our full report, Reaching my potential. 

by Jake Kemp
Published On: September 16th, 2024Categories: BlogBy

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