In February 2022, Sonnet worked with BERRI to develop their Theory of Change. BERRI is a clinical evaluation tool for identifying, tracking and improving the outcomes of children with complex needs.

The assessment gathers information in five themes:

  • Behaviour (dysregulation)
  • Emotion wellbeing
  • Risk (vulnerabilities, self-harm)
  • Relationships (lack of trust, lack of shared reality, theory of mind, unemotional)
  • Indicators (of neuro-developmental or psychiatric conditions)

The eventual Theory of Change summarised outcomes for children and young people under three headings; Recognising self, Finding your place and Co-creating your future. Under these headings, Sonnet and Berri were able to calculate the impact that BERRI’s work creates, valuing the social impact for the children, local authorities and carers & community as at least£193k per young person.

To find out more and to read our summary report click here.

Published On: March 19th, 2023Categories: Publications, ReportsBy

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