Research & Publications

Every time we work with a client we learn more about their world, and recognise synergies, connections and opportunities across and between sectors and themes. 

We believe that knowledge is more powerful if it is shared, and aim to make our research reports and findings public whenever we can (and with our clients’ permission, of course.)

See below for links to our latest research, opinions and articles. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss any of our publications.

Publications & Reports

Blog, News & Videos

  • A group of people standing in a circle with their arms around each other supporting each other, laughing.

Volunteering At Its Best

By |June 2nd, 2023|Blog|

Volunteers are the unsung heroes of our society. We see a lot in the media about many volunteers who have selflessly dedicated their time and efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of [...]

It’s new…and a bit scary

By |May 19th, 2023|Blog|

The excitement of learning and achieving You know that feeling when somebody asks you to do something you have never done before? Sometimes when we are faced with a new challenge, it can go one [...]